Saturday, December 24, 2005

gas sampling on snow surface and soil surface after removing snow

December 19,20,21

Conducted gas sampling on snow surface and then soil surface after removing snow in RWG,RWB,RCG, and RCF

Conducted gas sampling on soil surface after removing snow in LWG, LWB,JWG and JWB.

With Lindsey and Zack

Fig. 1. Warn season grass filter site in Lonnie Strum

Fig. 2. Gas sampling point (destg 5) in warn season grass filter site in Lonnie Strum

Fig. 3. Gas sampling (destg 5) in warn season grass filter site in Lonnie Strum

Fig. 4. Measuring soil moisture and soil temperature around an anchor in wood buffer of Lonnie Strum site (Lindsey Barney)

Fig. 5. A lonly tree in snowy field

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