Friday, June 23, 2006

C2H2 treatment previous experiment

June 22-23, 2006

Produced pure C2H2 gas from reaction of CaC2 and water.

Treated C2H2 10 K Pa to intact soil cores.

Sampled gas 3hr, 6hr, 12, 18hr and 24hr later after C2H2 treatment.

With Tom, Leigh Ann, and Nathan

Fig. 1 Materials for C2H2 gas producing- CaC2, 3 jars, 2 tubes, 1 gas bag and a syringe.

Fig. 2 Inserted C2H2 gas inside Mason jars containing intact soil cores (L=8cm, D=2cm).

Fig. 3 6 intact soil cores (0-10cm n=3, 90-100 cm n=3) treated C2H2 (10 K Pa) are incubated in room temperature (22oC).

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